Reality Marketing LLC

Richard Emmons is the founder/CEO of Reality Marketing LLC, the Josephine County Eagle, and BizAcademy USA.
1-Hour Consult with Richard - $300
I'm happy to chat with you on any area of business and marketing that you are interested in. You get direct access to me for a private discussion without any obligation to work with me further.

In this hour consultation you can:

● Get my opinion on a website, brochure, sales letter, display ad or anything else that you want me to look at
● Brainstorm a business idea to access the market potential and your suitability for it
● Discuss why and if you should publish a community newspaper in your local area
● Offer quick fixes to ads to improve your headlines and offers
● Brainstorm your book project to meet your business goals and how to get it done faster and more professionally
● Review your book manuscript and cover to see if it's ready for publishing...or looks self-published
● Evaluate your speech or presentation to make it engaging, impactful, and not boring
● Discuss ways to increase membership to your nonprofit organization, i.e. chamber of commerce
● Anything else you may want to talk about that's not on this list

I will read any written ads/website/notes/spreadsheets you want to send me before the call in order to minimize the time spent on administrative minutiae. Please email them to with the subject line "CONSULT NOTES - Your Name." (Sending notes is optional.)

We'll do the call on Zoom, that way we can screen share as necessary.

I look forward to meeting with you!

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Time Zone: Pacific Time